JUNK FREE Peanut Butter Cups

Who doesn't like a cheeky Reese's PB Cup?

The addiction began a long long time ago!

It starts with one and without realising, I have just done a big bag of them. 

V Dangerous and V Delish. 

But of course we all know how much sugar those cups have right? Enough for Juno to go wild for days. 

THAT is not the one.

So of course I created a JUNK FREE version with a little surprise in the middle. 

I cannot take credit for that, it was Juno's idea. 

This will easily become a staple because all you need is 3 Ingredients easily available EVERYWHERE. 

I've mentioned alternatives for the brands I have used if you do not have them available in the country you reside in.

I gocthu'.....


Mini Cupcake Liners ( I got mine from TKMAXX) 

1 Ripe Banana

A container to melt the choclate

ManiLife Deep Roasted Peanut Butter

Conscious Chocolate Mint


1. Take the cupcake liners and place them in a square cake container depending on how many you are planning to make

2. Spoon 1 Teaspoon of PB in each of the cupcake liners

3. Slice the banana into coins and place over the PB

4. In a container, melt the chocolate either in the microwave or over a pan of boiling water and stir gently until the chocolate is super smooth!

5. Spoon over the banana coins and gently level

6. Freeze for a couple of hours

Et Voila!!!

Now how easy was that? 

So here are some of the alternatives you could use!

Meridian Peanut Butter

Whole Earth Peanut Butter

Raw Health Peanut Butter

And For the Chocolate....


Pana Chocolate

OR straight up Dark Chocolate too

Hope you guys enjoyed this recipe. It's super easy and its a winner with the little ones. 

Peanut Butter is so great for that boost of energy during the day.

Chocolate, I mean who doesn't love it! A Little pick me up...

The humble Banana, queen of nutrients, easy to digest and such a great source of immediate energy too. 

Its all the good stuff....


Hope you give this a go!!